a) In this chapter, Paul Baumer introduces himself along with many of his other friends including, Leer, Tjaden, Kat, and a couple of others. As they are in a time of piece, they all receive letters from home from various people. Kantorek, Paul’s old schoolmaster, writes to Paul. Paul explains how Kantorek was the major influence that pushed them into the army. Paul and his crew later visited Kemmerich, who had his leg wounded during battle. After arriving they discovered that his leg had been amputated. Muller wanted his boots but Kemmerich wouldn’t let him have them.
b) Paul felt sadness at the fact that his friend was dying and that there was nothing he could do about it. He had to watch as his friend was passed on by doctors and left to himself. All Paul could do was to stay by his side and comfort his friend.
c) Immodesties: not modest in conduct, utterance.
“Since then we have learned better than to be shy about such immodesties” (Remarque 8).
Latrine: A toilet or something used as a toilet.
“Not for nothing was the ‘Latrine Rumor’ invented; these places are the regimental gossip-shop and common room” (Remarque 9).

e) This chapter taught me that war can be harsh and hard to handle due to the pain and suffering caused by it. I also learned that when friends and family are fighting in the same war, complications might arise about the death or wound of a person you might know personally. This can be very distracting and may cause you to become consumed in sorrow.
Chapter 2:
a) In this chapter, Paul explains how he was drafted into platoon 9 where he was put under the order of Corporal Himmelstoss. Himmelstoss had the reputation of being the strictest leader of them all. Paul also explained that Himmelstoss had taken a special disliking of him and his group. Paul revisited Kemmerich who is slowly dieing and discovers that he is not going to get better as doctors keep passing his bed and not doing anything. Paul can see that they want the bed. Kemmerich gets Paul to give his boots to Muller because Kemmerich has realized that he is going to die there and won’t need them.
b) Paul felt anger towards how he was treated during his training under his wicked leader Himmelstoss. Paul also felt anger towards the doctors who even, though they could do nothing, were passing by the bed in need of it which irritated Paul. Paul also felt helpless as the life of his friends slipped through his fingers as he sit beside his death bed and could nothing but watch in horror.
c) Pettifogging: To bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant matters.
“With our young awakened eyes, we saw the classical conception of the Fatherland held by our teachers resolved itself here into a renunciation a personality as such one would not ask of the meanest servants- salutes, springing to attention, parade-marches, presenting arms, right wheel, left wheel, clicking the heels, insults, and a thousand pettifogging details” (Remarque 22).
Saveloy: A highly seasoned dried sausage.
“He roots among his supplies and offers me a fine piece of saveloy” (Remarque 33).

e) In this chapter I learned that family and friends need to be kept close and held special because it is not till they are gone that one realizes the importance of their family and friends on their lives. I also learned that wartime can be really rough in regards to the amount of people that die each day defending their country so that the people living their can live peacefully.
Chapter 3:
a) In this chapter, Paul explains how new recruits are drafted into the army and how they seem to get younger and younger each time only realizing that he is just getting older and feeling that he has been in the war forever. He also explains how Himmelstoss’ hatred for him and his friends influenced a couple of them to beat him in the middle of the night while muffling his shouts with a pillow. Himmelstoss still does not know who gave him the beating.
b) Paul feels sympathy for the young lads who are being brought in the war just because two countries just can’t get along. He thinks its indecent that the young recruits have to come in and fight right off the training grounds. He also feels that Himmelstoss got what was coming to him in the end when they beat him up.
c) Garrison: A body of troops stationed in a fortified place.
“We had been allotted to one of the recently formed regiments, but weer first to be sent back for equipment to the garrison, not to the reinforcement-depot, or course, but to another barracks” (Remarque 46).
Infatigable: Never becoming weary or exhausted.
“… then the convulsed striped drawers, the knock knees, executing at every blow most original movements in the lowered breeches, and towering over them like a woodcutter, the infatigable Tjaden” (Remarque 49).

e) This chapter taught me that war is an ongoing process and will always be apparent because there will always be controversies between people. For example, there was a controversy between two countries that caused WW1 and the more wars advance, the more and the younger people armies have to recruit to win the war.
Chapter 4:
a) In this chapter Paul explains how they are ordered to venture to the front line to deploy barbed wire which will be used to protect their trenches from soldiers running towards them. He describes how they arrive during the night so that they can deploy the wire in secret but there is a bombardment and they have to shield themselves. One man soils himself and is embarrassed but Paul tells him not to worry because it is common from fear. Gas is released among the fields where they take refuge and cover. The shelling stops and the bombardment is finally over.
b) Paul feels sympathy towards the new recruits who are scared of the horrendous bombing and reminisces of being in his first bombing.
c) Martyred: One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.
“It is the moaning of the world, it is the martyred creation, wild with anguish, filled with terror, and groaning” (Remarque 62).
Lorries: A large motor truck.
“An hour later we reach our Lorries and climb in. There is more room now than there was” (Remarque 73).

e) In this chapter I learned that war frightens everyone and it is nothing to be ashamed of. War creates a feeling of insecurity of those in society but they can not even begin to understand the full extent of the fear caused by war. People in the army suffer unendurable sights and emotions which can scar them forever, not just physically, but mentally as well.
Chapter 5:
a) In this chapter, the unbearable way of living in trenches is described in detail and then Himmelstoss arrives in camp. Of course he is malicious towards Tjaden because he despises Tjaden and Tjaden disrespects him. Tjaden and Kropp are called on trial because they disrespected a higher officer but Tjaden seems not to be worried. On trial, the judge is told of the mistreatment in training by Himmelstoss and Himmelstoss is lectured on his behavior. Tjaden and Kropp are let off with light punishments. Kat explains to Paul that there are two geese on the other side of a fence and that they could capture the geese and eat them for supper. After a long vigorous fight, Paul finally suppresses the two geese and throws them over the fence to Kat who plucks their feathers and cooks them. They eat the well earned meal.
b) Paul feels anger towards the mistreatment of the malicious Himmelstoss and how he is hypocritical about the way he takes action in the sense that he expects respect, but does not give it in return. Paul also feels happiness that he has a friend like Kat out here in the midst of the war to be able to share thoughts with and just hang out like regular friends do, when they are not at war of course.
c) Louse: Any small wingless insect that is parasitic to humans and other mammals.
“Killing each separate louse is tedious when a man has hundreds” (Remarque 75).
Communion: Association or fellowship.
“We don’t talk much, but I believe we have a more complete communion with one another than even lovers have” (Remarque 94).

e) This chapter has taught me that people with power may become consumed in power creating a over zealous character who thinks they know everything and that they own you. I also learned that war becomes easier if you have someone there to help comfort you and keep you company.
Chapter 6:
a) In this chapter, Paul describes how they are put back out on the front to defend their country and how life in the trenches is terrible as rats consume them and live there. Rats begin to steal their food and become a nuisance so they try to kill them. Bombing begins and a dugout is hit causing many wounds. After being ordered to move on Paul bumps into Himmelstoss in one of the dugouts pretending to be wounded. Angered, Paul uses brute force to try and drag Himmelstoss out. Finally a commanding officer comes by and tells both of them to move on. Westhus receives a fatal blow and only 32 are left to help defend the front.
b) Paul feels anger towards that hypocritical rat whose name is Himmelstoss because he hides after talking a bunch of smack to the lower ranking army men. Paul also feels anger and sadness because the rats run throughout the trenches doing as they please not even miding the dead bodies of his fallen comrades.
c) Instantaneous: Occurring, done, or completed in an instant.
“Besides these, they have brought up a number of those little French beasts with instantaneous fuses” (Remarque 100).
Parapet: A defensive wall or evasion, as of earth or stone, in fortification.
“Every man is aware of the heavy shells tearing down the parapet, rooting up the embankment and demolishing the upper layers of concrete” (Remarque 106).

e) This chapter taught me the army presents an unsanitary way of living and are deprived of many things because of war, such as food. Food shortage is very damaging in wars because food has carbohydrates which energize the army men to standards of operating at full capacity.
Chapter 7:
a) Himmelstoss comes up to Paul and his crew and apologizes to them and tries to make friends with them. Tjaden is the only one who doesn’t accept the apology or his friendship. He then describes how instinct keeps them alive during battle and that it is the only reason why they could live. Later, while bathing, Paul and his friends spot three girls across the canal. They sneak over to their house at night to socialize. Paul is then given leave and goes back home to his mother who he finds out is in sickness. Cancer is attacking her. As every day passes it becomes harder and harder to stay on leave because he knows that sooner or later he will have to return to the front and will have to face the war once again.
b) Paul feels happy that he has found a girl that he can socialize with but is also sad because he now has to go on leave and will probably never see her again. Paul is happy and sad that he has to go on leave because he knows that sooner or later he will have to return to war.
c) Stagnant: Inactive, not flowing.
“Here we have often sat – how long ago it was – we have passed over this bridge and breathed the cool, acid smell of the stagnant water…” (Remarque 156).
Tramcars: British for a streetcar.
“After I have been startled a couple of times in the street by the screaming of the tramcars, which resembles the shriek of a shell coming straight for one, somebody taps me on the shoulder” (Remarque 165).

e) This chapter taught me that leaving friends and family for a long period of time can be very hard on a person especially if that person comes back for a short period of time and then has to leave again. The heart tells that person to stay but he/she has to leave.
Chapter 8:
a) This chapter contained the description of Paul returning to training camp as instructed by his commanding officer before he went on leave. Before leaving training camp, he is visited by his father and sister. They supply him with a few potato cakes with which he gave only two to some of the prisoners after realizing that his mother had went through a lot to make these even in sickness.
b) Paul feels saddened because his mother is sick and he can only hope that she returns to good health in time. Also, he feels saddened because he now has to go back to war and leave behind his beloved family. At the same time, however, he feels happier because he is going back to what he was trained to do.
c) Opalescent: Having a milky iridescence.
“… the next moment, all changes to opalescent blue, as the shivering breezes pass down from the heights and touch the green lightly way…” (Remarque 188).
Dysentery: An infectious disease marked by inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the bowels, with diarrhea that becomes mucous and hemorrhagic.
“But to wait for dysentery is not much of a life either” (Remarque 193).

e) From this chapter I learned that family is very important and it is important to spend as much time as possible with it as possible. I also learned that war can tear families from each other.
Chapter 9:
a) In this chapter Paul gets back to the front to find all of his friends how he left them, unharmed and uninjured. While fighting at the front, Paul volunteers to crawl out into “No Man’s Land”, hidden from sight of the enemy, to discover the plans of the enemy. On the way back from his mission, Paul loses his way and seeks cover in a shell hole. After hearing some unfamiliar voices he pretends to be dead and an enemy jumps down into the hole. Instinct consumes Paul and he quickly stabs him as to not be killed. Paul finds out later that he has not killed him and the man takes a long time to die but Paul gives him water and bandages his wounds in hopes of being saved if the enemy catches him and sees that he tried to help the man.
b) Paul feels sympathy and sadness for the poor man that he has killed but realizes that it was the only thing he could to because war is a type of battle where it is “kill or be killed” war zone.
c) Peevish: Showing annoyance, irritation, or bad mood.
“Everyone is peevish and touchy, we do not take kindly to all this polishing, much less to the full-dress parades” (Remarque 202).
Tunic: A coat worn as part of a military uniform.
“Then I unbutton his tunic in order to bandage it if it is possible” (Remarque 220).

e) From this chapter I learned that the death of a person brings realization to the fact that we are fighting a senseless war in which people just die without cause. I also learned that even enemies are friends in the face of death.
Chapter 10:
a) Paul and his friends are able to have a rest as they are to guard an abandoned town which they plunder food from and feast. As they are making the food, bombs begin to fall all around them but they get all the food cooked and then run away. They take shelter and eat pig and pancakes and many other things. Paul and Kropp are both wounded on their way to another village and are taken to the hospital by a train. They felt awkward with the nurses at first but grew used to it. Kropp came down with a fever and had to get off and in order to stick with his pal, Paul faked sick. They were both let off and Paul met some very interesting people such as Josef Hamacher who could basically do anything he wanted because he was wounded in the head and could blame his behavior on that. Kropp had to have his leg amputated and was in a state of depression. Paul eventually grows healthy again and is put on a small leave but when he has to leave his mother again it is even harder for she is still sick with cancer.
b) Paul is happy that he obtains a good meal and is able to rest. He is also happy that after he is hit with the shell, he is able to stick with his friend Albert. Paul then feels sadness after his friend declines into a state of depression because he had his leg amputated. Paul is also happy that he met new comrades. But once again, sadness floods Paul’s heart after he is let on leave and then has to leave his sickly mother.
c) Commissariat: The department of an army charged with supplying provisions.
“But a hospital inspector is just the same as a commissariat inspector, or anyone else who wears a long sword and shoulder straps, but is really a clerk, and is never considered even by a recruit as a real officer” (Remarque 252).
Mortuary: Of or pertaining to the burial of the dead.
“It is more convenient, too, because it lies right beside the lift to the mortuary” (Remarque 257).

e) From this chapter I learned how important companionship can be during war time and having a friend makes the time go a little faster. The only bad part about forming a friendship with somebody is if you are split apart it makes it so much harder to leave one another.
Chapter 11:
a) In this chapter, the war rages on and as it does, more and more of Paul’s friends begin to fall. Muller dies from a wound in the abdomen. Leer bleeds to death from a thigh wound. The only two that are left are Paul and Kat. While fighting Kat is injured in the leg and Paul stays with him. Kats injury begins to grow worse and worse so Pau carries him all the way to the hospital only to find that he had died from a head wound where a small fragment of a shell had pierced his skull.
b) Paul is consumed with sadness as he watches his comrades fall all around him wishing it were him instead of them. He can do nothing but comfort them until they pass on.
c) Aberration: The act of departing from the usual course.
“Anyone might have known that his flight was only homesickness and a momentary aberration” (Remarque 277).
Obliquely: Having a slanting direction.
“We are in a crater, the English are coming down obliquely, they are turning our flank and working in behind us” (Remarque 278).

e) This chapter taught me that friends in war can be a burden on one shoulders even though it is nice to have someone to relate to. When one of your friends dies, it is very hard to recuperate.
Chapter 12:
a) In this chapter, the last, Paul speaks of how he is now so sorrowful because he is the last of the seven and is finally emotionally drained. He also talks of how nothing can be taken from him because he has nothing for anyone to take, he is without fear.
b) In this chapter, Paul feels melancholy but at the same time care free from the world. Paul has nothing left and feels that he no longer has anything to care about.
c) Superfluous: Being more than is sufficient or required.
“We will be superfluous even to ourselves, we will grow older, a few will adapt themselves, some others will merely submit, and most will be bewildered…” (Remarque 294).
Divinations: Instinctive foresight.
“…the melodies from dreams and from books, the whispers and divinations of women…” (Remarque 295).
d) War has sufficed to everyone fighting each other which instead we should combine our resources and power to make our world a better place. For example, depicted in the cartoon is a group of people holding up a banner except one person at the end. One country could still be fighting against a bunch of countries and our world would still be a bad example for people. Also, in the picture is written “Pact of Mutual Assistance”. Since one person denies the assistance and the help to rid the world of war and destruction our world will continue to live on in hostility.
e) From this chapter I have learned that war has come to the point of no return where war can never be suppressed and that our society will always be filled with hatred with no way of stopping it.
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